The Gothia Cup winner comes from a football family: “I’m really proud” - Gothia Cup
Gothia Cup

The Gothia Cup winner comes from a football family: “I’m really proud”

Several of Libe Brakstad's relatives have played in national teams in Norway.

Libe Brakstad won the Gothia Cup with Avaldsnes IL this year.
She comes from a very talented football family which includes three former national team players.
– I’m really proud of them and they are proud of me, says the midfielder.

Her grandfather Per Haftorsen was a goalkeeper for the senior national team in Norway during the 60s and 70s. Per’s son Per Andreas was also a great goalie which played for clubs like Brann and Haugesund and for the U21 and U18 national team. Even Libe Brakstad’s mother Synnöve was a goalie on high level and made some appearances for the U18 national team.
– I’m really proud of my football family and they are proud of me. I want to become a top player myself. I want to go as far as possible and play abroad and for the national team. Those are my goals, says Libe Brakstad.
Will your relatives teach you something?
– Haha, they were goalkeepers and I’m not. It’s a goalkeeper family!
Why are you not a goalkeeper?
– My mother said it was a little bit boring sometimes and I like to score goals, she says with a smile.
Instead she’s a midfielder.
– I’m good at shooting and running back and forth, says Libe Brakstad.

Avaldsnes IL won the Gothia Cup in the G18 category.
– I will dance with my teammates. We like to dance. I’m proud of my team. We fight, we don’t give up and we score goals.
She really likes Gothenburg.
– It’s a very nice city. It’s big and it has many things to do, like Liseberg and shopping. And to win football games, says Libe Brakstad and smiles again.
And of course, she loves the Gothia Cup.
– The best thing is to play the games. I like that it is many people and warm weather. And it’s really good to play with this team. I have nice teammates and we have a good team spirit, says the Gothia Cup champion.



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