Celebrate The Game - Gothia Cup


The Game

Celebrate the Game is a Fair Play project that Gothia Cup runs in association with Länsförsäkringar, to create a better environment for everyone both on and off the pitches. Together – players, leaders, parents, referees and supporters – we create a positive, fair, supportive and kind environment during a match.

Celebrate The Game


Please remember

Please remember

During Gothia Cup you will find our "Please remember" signs at all playing fields. It is a sign with short but very important messages: "this is youth football", "the referees are human", "the coaches are volunteers" och "this is only a game". The purpose for the sign is to help us remind each other of what is most important on and off the pitch.

Celebrate The Game

Match delegates

In order to maintain Fair Play, we believe it is important that there are always people on site to observe and report. During Gothia Cup there are Match delegates in place on our playing fields to support and encourage players, coaches, referees and officials to act in the Celebrate the Game spirit.


Referee observers

To help referees to develop, feel safe and motivated, we have referee observers on all match areas. The focus is on young and new referees that together with the observer can evaluate their efforts and continue to develop.


Fair Play Trophy

Fair Play Trophy is awarded to multiple teams participating in the Gothia Cup. In order to be nominated the team must demonstrate a particularly good behaviour during the tournament. Players and leaders must act in an exemplary manner towards both opponents as referees and other officials. To be nominated, even the team’s supporters have to spread good energy and contribute to a good atmosphere around the team, and its matches.

The teams will be nominated by the referees as well as the match delegates. But it's also possible for a team to nominate its opponents after a match – inform the referee that you would like to nominate your opponent to Fair Play Trophy with a short comment on why this team is a great Celebrate the Game ambassador and contributes to the Gothia Cup spirit both on and off the pitch.

Previous winners

Fylkir 1, B15 (ISL), Skillingaryds IS B16 (SWE) och Mexico United G16 (MEX)

Hoops (LIB), Eskilsminne IF (SWE), Lyn Fotball (NOR) och Prep School Pumas White (ENG).



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