Right to Dream won in front of thousands of fans: “Maybe we’re going to dance” - Gothia Cup
Gothia Cup

Right to Dream won in front of thousands of fans: “Maybe we’re going to dance”

Right to Dream - BK Häcken 4-2 (1-1)

Right to Dream is very popular. Big crowds follow the team from Ghana in every game. Today they won the B17E title after a victory over the Swedish side BK Häcken in the final. And they did in front of thousands of spectators at Gamla Ullevi.
– I’m very happy about the win, says Moussa Cissé, who scored two goals in the finals.

It was a tight first half. The technically skilled Right to Dream took the lead early on but BK Häcken came back and scored an equalizer in the last minute of the first half. Right to Dream’s Moussa Cissé scored in the early stages of the second half. He then did a spectacular goal celebration, which the audience absolutely loved. Moussa Cissé thereafter scored again and Right to Dream were up 3-1. BK Häcken scored a second goal, which made the game even more exciting. Right to Dream finished the game by scoring 4-2, which was the final result of the game. The players could celebrate in front of their fans in the stands.
– I’m very happy. It was a tough game, but we played well and won. We’re going to celebrate. Maybe we’re going to dance, we will see, says Moussa Cissé. 



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